Sunday 5 January 2014

Decisions, decisions *hic* decided!!

After a brief hiatus on the tour front owing to a house move, I am pleased to say that this year Sarah and I have resolved to get away and see some more of the world.

It has been an eventful year since the last trip away, and has seen me get engaged, move house (and into a place with Sarah). We have also been on a bit of a fitness drive which was going swimmingly until Sarah broke her ankle playing squash with me, and then following that, she unfortunately had a blood clot in her leg too.

To get around the blues of January both of us enjoy spending the month talking about and arranging our next adventure. A sort of post-Christmas pick-me-up. The options were varied, between a trip to the equator (Kenya to be precise) so we can enjoy the white sandy beaches and go out looking at grey, leg-faced men (Elephants), or going to the other side of Africa and visit The Gambia or staying a bit closer to home and visit Cyprus. With Sarah's blood clot, we decided it was sensible to not go too far on the plane (I am sort of fond of her!!) so we limited flight times to about six hours max.

There was a lot of pontificating going on but after a boozy Saturday in the pub (yesterday) we had, as alcoholics call it, a moment of clarity and eventually (and tipsily) plumped for a trip to The Gambia at the beginning of April. The temperatures are consistently in the 30s all year around, so we are guaranteed some nice sunshine, and to add an element of luxury we have gone all inclusive, so we don't spend insane sums on booze again.

There are a few medical downsides to going here though, namely I will need to get spiked at the doctors again to prevent me from getting all sorts of African nasties (which could limit future blogging opportunities). Reading the FCO country advice page is enough to scare the bejesus out of anyone, with stories ranging from "bumsters" (locals hassling you to part with your cash for very little in return) to reading up about Dengue and Yellow fever. It is a wonder we ever leave this sceptred isle! Still, precautions will need to be taken, it is a savagely hot country that is mainly next to a river - therefore it is a malaria hot zone, so I will need to bring my can of Hofmeister once again.....

Anyway, this is just a post to say that a tour is coming and i will be blogging our adventures when we do.........only 9 weeks away......