Friday 14 February 2014

Just a little prick sir...

Obviously, travelling to more exotic places than the Costa del Evesham brings with it the increased risk of catching some rather nasty diseases and illnesses (only marginally mind, as someone who has had a takeaway from Snappy Pizza will testify).

The Gambia is a hot and humid place, built up around a river (Gambia river, from which the country gets its name), so naturally this is a malaria hot zone, but it is also a country which yellow fever is prevalent, and so the need to go and have some injections is not so much a recommendation but a necessity. 

Those who know me will realise that I am rather adverse to injections - there is just something about voluntarily putting a disease into yourself which makes me wonder if I am a little bit crazy really, but I am assured it is for the greater good!! 

As far as I can tell it is wise to get yourself protected from practically everything while you are out there - malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, rabies, typhoid, tetenus, diphtheria, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningitis and speaking to the nurse about all this as she runs through her menu of innoculations suddenly makes you realise the hidden cost of a holiday to exotic places. Thankfully I had some vaccinations done prior to my Asian adventure, which meant I only needed boosters (and one less injection than Sarah) so I was pretty happy really. So I am getting injected, which I hate, am having a live virus inserted into my arm (Yellow fever) , which is crazy and worst of all I am having to pay for the privilege!!! I decided not to get the rabies jabs (which is a course of 3 seperate injections) and have resolved to avoid any foaming mouthed St Bernards on my trip...

Total cost of jabs and medications so far: £111.00