Thursday 30 August 2007

T minus 3 weeks and 1 day

Just over 3 weeks to the trip and i still have to sort out the "best man's speech". It is beginning to look like it will be hastily penned during the ceremony, and will be one of those awful tumbleweed moments which we all seem to experience at some point in our lives! I have resolved that i need to get married at some point to "repay" Adam this favour :D

Also, I still have to get my anti-malarial drugs. I have narrowed it down to 2; metafloquine and doxycycline. The side effects of the former are the two-bob bits, stomach pains, nausea and headaches and the side effects of the latter are the two-bob bits, stomach pains, nausea and headaches, so there is a real dilemma about which one i should choose :S

As if to remind me of the potential dangers of not taking any anti-malarials, it appears that i have been bitten by a couple of those little mosquito buggers, after being immune to them for almost 33 years of my life. Admittedly they are native mossies and are nowhere near as tough as your typical tropical mossies but nonetheless, it has reinforced the need for insect repellent and something more substantial than a pair of union jack shorts and string vest!! Maybe covering myself in Hoffmeister lager might work, because, if experience has taught me anything, it is that no living organism will go near a man who smells of Hoffmeister!

Anyway, before this becomes a catalogue of things i have not done, i need to post a few things that have been sorted since the last post (mainly to make myself feel better)!!

I am all drugged up with immunisations against diptheria, tetanus, hepatitis A, polio and typhoo (which as far as i can tell, protects me against infected tea bags). There was a mild ache in the arms, but overall it was not as bad i was expecting.

And, I have managed to finalise the planned route. It is as follows :-

London-Koala Lumpy-Langkawi-Koala Lumpy-Singapore-Pnomh Penh-Siem Reap-Bang Cock-Fuck It (or, for the more sophisticated, Poo Kit)-Lankawi-Koala Lumpy-London

Timescales are still a bit loose, but i am thinking that I will take a railway journey from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore and look into the possibility of a river trip from Pnomh Penh to Ankhor Wat.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Mouseburger's Avatar pic

This is a test post to see if i can add images relatively easily or not, and also to introduce my avatar pic, inspired by the greatest show ever commissioned by the BBC, Fingerbobs.
Ok, i admit that there is no reference in the pic to the "burger" part of my nickname, but on seeing this, i just could not resist it!!
It does appear though that he has recently stabbed someone with his rather sharp nose!! Who said mice are not vindictive little feckers!!

First post of a blogging virgin

Ok, my cherry is popped!! Not going on tour for a while, but i am so exicted that i thought i would post now and tell you all about the plans......

......the plan is...........


........well, i have to go to Langkawi (that is Malaysia to those who have never set foot out of England) as my friend is getting married there and i am best man - so it would be considered "bad form" to not attend this!!

After that i am flexible (unlike my credit card!!) and am thinking of heading to Singapore, so i can visit the rather excellent zoo there and the Raffles long bar, then on to Thailand, so i can gaze in wonder at the ladyboys (i will try not to get too many STDs off of them!!!) and then on to Cambodia for a bit of culture.

Of course, being a libran, these plans are not set in stone, and so all this will change and i will get tired of travelling after a week and head back to bognor regis instead!!!

Well that is all for now, no doubt i will start posting some real stuff when i actually get out there.

Toodle pips
