Thursday 28 June 2012

The Plan

This tour is only a ten day excursion, and so to be completely efficient in seeing everything I want to, I need to sketch out a loose plan of things to do. Brace yourself Sarah - this is where you realise what you have let yourself in for....

For those who don't know, Malta might be a small island in the Mediterranean, but it is packed with a rich history. One of the key reasons I wanted to go there is that it has some wonderful megalithic temples which date from around the time of our own Stonehenge. I love my temples, so it will be nice to tick these off in my EyeSpy book of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

So this is a rough itinerary:

Day 1 - Arrive at hotel, and visit Dolmen temple (this is actually a bit of a cheat really, as the temple is in the hotel grounds).

Day 2 - Acquaint ourselves with the Maltesers, and the local area (i.e. find out where the nearest MacDonalds is etc.) and just relax a bit.

Day 3 - Visit the Tarxien temple complex and also see the Hypogeum (they are near each other)

Day 4 - Visit Hagar Qim and Mnajdra temples

Day 5 - Visit Ggantija temple and explore Gozo island

Day 6 - Day spent enjoying Valletta (I think it is probably sensible to take a break from temples to prevent fatigue!)

Day 7 - Visit Skorba temples and go to M'dina

Days 8-10 - Relax and recharge those batteries (and update blog!)

This is of course a very loose plan and is subject to alterations as we work our way through things - I don't want to be beholden to time, like I was in my whirlwind tour of the wonderful Karnak temple, but similarly, I wouldn't want to allot a whole day to something that amounts to two rocks set parallel to each other, which some Oxbridge scholar has proclaimed to be a temple.

There are other things to see too, and fortunately, the Maltese bus system (I am assured) is a fantastic way of travelling around the island, so it is fairly certain we will end up in some interesting places without intentionally listing them down. I have to admit that I am getting quite excited now that the holiday is within touching distance, and will hopefully get some nice pictures to share with you all, instead of these dry, pictureless posts!!!

Well, that is all for now folks, the next time I post I will be in the Med, with my string shirt and Union Jack shorts on.......

Sunday 17 June 2012

2012 tour - the final countdown

Location: Evesham, the Final Frontier

Star date: 2012

Mouseburger's log: It has been a turbulent few years since I last went on a tour, and matters closer to home have taken precedence over seeing a pile of rocks in exotic climes. However the tour is back on and, as time moves on unabated, i am back with a new array of gizmos and gadgets with which to inform you, the readers, of my wanderings.

This tour is set off the North African coast, on the island of Malta. It offers everything that an intrepid traveller could ask for; UNESCO world heritage sites, churches, sunshine and inexpensive dining options. Readers of previous blogs will realise that I have a penchant for clambering over ancient monuments, so the megalithic temples in Malta are right up my street.

Following on from the last tour's disorganisation, it is with some relief that I am bringing my girlfriend (Sarah) with me this time, who i am hoping will make sure I don't leave my passport and wallet on the airport scanning machine, or I don't get separated from the tour party (which, ironically, is how we ended up meeting).

The tour begins in just over two weeks time, and the excitement levels are starting to build in both of us (our first real holiday together). Most of the holiday essentials have been bought; I have replaced my bulky laptop with a sleek little iPad, and this is my first blog post using it. It works surprisingly well, and as much as I hate to join the cult of Apple, I have to admit it is extremely convenient. Damn them.

Anyway, this is just an opening blog to let you know i will be posting regular updates of what I discover on my travels, some of which will be informative, and some of which will be strange tangential ramblings about the days events.