Sunday, 17 June 2012

2012 tour - the final countdown

Location: Evesham, the Final Frontier

Star date: 2012

Mouseburger's log: It has been a turbulent few years since I last went on a tour, and matters closer to home have taken precedence over seeing a pile of rocks in exotic climes. However the tour is back on and, as time moves on unabated, i am back with a new array of gizmos and gadgets with which to inform you, the readers, of my wanderings.

This tour is set off the North African coast, on the island of Malta. It offers everything that an intrepid traveller could ask for; UNESCO world heritage sites, churches, sunshine and inexpensive dining options. Readers of previous blogs will realise that I have a penchant for clambering over ancient monuments, so the megalithic temples in Malta are right up my street.

Following on from the last tour's disorganisation, it is with some relief that I am bringing my girlfriend (Sarah) with me this time, who i am hoping will make sure I don't leave my passport and wallet on the airport scanning machine, or I don't get separated from the tour party (which, ironically, is how we ended up meeting).

The tour begins in just over two weeks time, and the excitement levels are starting to build in both of us (our first real holiday together). Most of the holiday essentials have been bought; I have replaced my bulky laptop with a sleek little iPad, and this is my first blog post using it. It works surprisingly well, and as much as I hate to join the cult of Apple, I have to admit it is extremely convenient. Damn them.

Anyway, this is just an opening blog to let you know i will be posting regular updates of what I discover on my travels, some of which will be informative, and some of which will be strange tangential ramblings about the days events.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm its down to me to keep you out of trouble????? No pressure then ;) xx