Wednesday 4 July 2012

The Maltese air con

Having finally arrived at our destination, i am pleased to report that the weather here is lovely and a far cry from the cloudy rain laden skies we left behind. My iPad weather app reassuringly tells me that there is zero chance of precipitation in the next few days. Not that I am gloating.

Airport check-in was sufficiently stress free this time around, although Sarah and I were slightly worried we might have exceeded our baggage allowance and would have to pay £11 per kilo over it. Instead i came up with the ingenious idea that we load up my pockets with all the weightier items on the basis that they would never ask to weigh me.

As it transpired, we needn't have worried as we we're both well within the limits, which meant I could unburden myself of all the gadgets as well as meaning I could fill my case with more fridge magnet gifts! (see previous blogs if you think this comment is a bit random).

Anyway we landed and ordered a taxi to take us to our hotel. Maltese hotel quality varies from the good the shabby, and I am pleased to report that we have the former. The room looks like it has recently been refurbished, so we have no complaints.....well apart from one, the room's air con did not seem to work - outraged, I phoned the reception, as sitting in 30 degrees plus heat and with no way to cool the room down would not be a good state of affairs for the next ten days.

The receptionist was very nice and said they would send the maintenance guy up to look at it. Fortunately I was in the shower when he arrived and informed Sarah that the reason the air con doesn't come on is because we had the balcony doors open and it would be a waste of energy otherwise. Begrudgingly I had to accept his logic and we are now chillaxing in a room that is cooler than a polar bear's fridge.

We have had a quick scout out around the hotel and it looks lovely, I will get some temple shots tomorrow and start adding photos to this blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's people like you that are destroying our planet - just get Sarah to waft you with a magazine!
Also, can we have some quality control with our fridge magnets this year please? My Cambodia one was too heavy to actually stay on the fridge!