Friday 11 April 2014

Another day at rest

Today being our last full day we have used it to protect ourselves from the suns rays. 

It should be said that yesterday afternoon the breeze was enough to make it all a bit cool here but nothing stops the intensity of the sun, and Sarah's legs seem to have taken the brunt of it. My arms and knees are a bit sore to bend, but nothing too bad thankfully. However today we decided to keep a bit more covered up from it and are sitting at a shady part of the bar supping Julbrew ( the local beer).

Julbrew, the beer of choice in The Gambia

It does of course give me a chance to show you some more of the hotel. This is our bedroom. It is lovely and airy and full of hiding places for mosquitoes as without fail every morning, despite a thorough checking around the room before bed for the little blighters, we always have a new bite to scratch!!

Our bed is messy because I was jumping around on it, not poor housekeeping!

The unflooded bathroom area

A view from our window.....relaxing!
I think about now we are ready for coming home, we have sunned ourselves enough, read our books and indulged in plenty of booze, but all good things must come to an end and we need to think about returning to normalcy and rain (I am imagining). 

a view of the sea, underneath the shadow of a Baobab tree
A tree with lots of weaver bird nests outside our room.....
A week is just about enough here, and I am hankering for a lovely nice cup of tea. Gambian tea is not very nice. I am not sure why as Sarah brought with here some earl grey tea bags, but even that didn't work. It must be something to do with the water....

Any the next blog post I will do is going to be from Blighty, where I will summarise what I have learnt.

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