Monday 29 September 2014

Back to the Island

This blog is a bit different to my usual posts as I generally have an idea of where I am going and what I am doing. This trip has been pleasantly arranged without me knowing, as a celebration of my thirty tenth birthday, and so I am currently winging it as I go.

We have checked in with easyJet but in an act of apparent meanness, they have put Sarah at one end of the plane and I am at the other end, so we don't get to journey together. This is made all the more perplexing when you see the are plenty of seats near me not occupied, and so if they couldn't seat us together, they could have at least seated us near each other. Never mind though, it is not going to spoil the holibobs!!! 

After checking in, Sarah and I were sitting having breakfast, when I had a tap on my shoulder.  Another surprise. My best man, Dan, and his partner, Symmie were booked in for the trip too. Apparently this has all been arranged for months and Sarah had been secretly arranging this whilst I have been completely oblivious. I am still trying to get my head around it to be honest!! One thing I can definitely say, this is going to be a memorable holiday for all the right reasons. 

As I type this, we are currently flying over what I assume is Paris. The weather is lovely and clear so I can indulge in looking out of the window and seeing the foreign countryside go past. 

**Update #1** The flight itself was a smooth journey and we had clear views of the Alps and Mount Etna. I was kept informed of all the goings on by the man in the seat behind me who gave a running commentary to his wife of everything that he saw. Fair enough to point out when he could see the alps and stuff, but I draw the line at his observing a puddle on the runway and pointing it out to his Mrs. before sagely pronouncing that he thinks it may have rained here!!

One thing I was oblivious to though was the commotion at the back of the plane where Sarah was having to deal with a fainting passenger.

Anyway we are safe and sound in our hotel and, have eaten lunch which consisted of three sharing platters (for two) between the four of us I am totally stuffed. After lunch we all decided it was prudent to go for an afternoon nap, which is something I never usually do, but the early start caught up with me and I was out like a light. Before I knew it, it was 6pm and we were supposed to meet up at 7pm and go for dinner!! 

**Update #2** We have just eaten dinner, at a lovely little restaurant we went to the last time we were here, and I had forgotten that the portion sizes are generous. A starter is easily the size of a main course dish and the main meal is like a Man vs. Food challenge!! And so currently I  feel like one of those anacondas that has just eaten a capybara, and now needs to go and sleep for a week or two to digest the meal it has just eaten......

The plan is to head into Valletta tomorrow, so I should be able to add some photos in after that ( I figured most people wouldn't want to see photos of large quantities of meat!!). For now though I need to sleep and digest everything, literally and metaphorically!

Friday 26 September 2014

Maltesers - part II

For the avid viewers of this blog, you will realise that my previous visit to Malta was fairly thorough in viewing the temples, but due to piss poor planning on my part, I was unable to see the Hypogeum (arguably the main attraction) as they only allow a limited number of people into it each day to preserve it, and it is booked out months in in country is practically impossible.

Well as a surprise birthday present, it turns out Sarah has treated me to another holiday to Malta, and has managed to get us tickets to the Hypogeum!! I am totally gobsmacked at this, and still can't quite take it in, but as of tomorrow I am off on holiday to Malta once again, and so, at rather short notice and completely unprecedented in the same year, there is another Mouseburger (on tour) blog coming.

The surprise was complete and total and it seems like everyone was in on it, even letting me think that I had discovered a secret surprise party that was to be held locally on Sunday for me. This was all a ruse put me off the scent of the real present. 

Anyway, it is time to dust down my fedora, bullwhip and travel bag, as Indiana Beamish is off on his  adventure.

And for the record I have the best fiancée in the whole world!! xxx

Stay tuned........