Monday 13 April 2015

Cash and curry

Well, we are now 24 hours from check in and excitement levels are at an all time high - the excitement has clearly got the better of Sarah because, as I write this, she is sleeping off the excitement.

I can assure you all it had nothing to do with all the booze we have had today. We are celebrating being on holiday early by racking up at her mum's pub at about 11:30am and promptly setting about on an impromptu pub crawl of the village. Thankfully for my liver, it is a small enough village and only has six pubs in it (we did double up our drinks in a couple of them though), otherwise I would be slurring my blog!

Having a Sarah with me on this adventure means that I am unlikely to have forgotten things like my favourite teddy, but I admit that i am slightly embarrassed by the fact that my case is fuller and heavier than hers, which I am sure is the wrong way around!!

Quite a lot has happened since the last post. Namely I was in a minor car accident and have a touch of whiplash (not in a 50 Shades of Grey sort of way) which has put a bit of a dampener on things as I am still suffering a bit with my back, but I am not going to let that stop me from enjoying things on our honeymoon. It also means that our car is in for repairs and we are driving in a hire car  which is more like a bus! I can't knock it too much though as it has turned out to be useful in carrying all my luggage - I hope there are plenty of luggage-wallas in India to help us!!!

Also, we have upgraded our seats on the plane so that we have more legroom and more luggage allowance, which will become invaluable as I load up with fridge magnets (at this juncture, it is more accurate to say freezer magnets, as our fridge is covered already!). The real bonus of the upgrade though is that we will get our in-flight meal served with crockery and cutlery, rather than in a plastic tub with a spork and knife! How middle-class are we?!

I haven't been able to get any rupees as, like in The Gambia, it is a closed currency (i think) and you can only buy them in country, so I am currently wandering around with a fair amount of sterling in my pocket ready to change into the local currency the moment we arrive. Experience has taught me that we will need *lots* of small denomination notes when we change over as baksheesh (or its Indian equivalent) is commonplace here. Thankfully our travel company (Audley Travel) have given me a guide on expected tipping conventions, so I will revise that fastidiously on the plane.

Well that is about all there is to write today, we are doing some last minute shopping (in Slough) before heading off to the airport this afternoon to start our Indian adventure!! The next time I write we will be in Delhi, and sitting back digesting the first of many curries we will be eating over the next 3 weeks!!

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