Saturday 2 May 2015

Our last day in India

Ok, the title is a bit misleading, as we will be in India tomorrow too, as we board the plane in the early afternoon for our long journey home. This statement is also a bit misleading, as I am currently writing about yesterday's events today, while on that very plane, which is heading home! Hope you are all keeping up? (If you are interested, we are currently over Afghanistan - it looks so peaceful down there).

The Afghan-Pakistan border (trust me!)

It is one of the luxuries of Virgin, that I can actually surf the web and keep my finger in the pulse of the international money markets (aka the football scores!) as I cruise home.

Last year it was the world's smallest sandwich, now meet the worlds smallest poppadom

Anyway, we flew out of Goa early yesterday. As it is coming to the end of their holiday season, Goa airport shuts at 12pm for essential maintenance, meaning we were back to early starts again! The flight back to Delhi was fairly uneventful, although we had forgotten what dry heat was like after out time in Goa, and so arriving to 37 degrees that didn't make you drip after 5 minutes was relatively nice! It created a lot of haze though which in turn meant for a bumpy old landing (Sarah is not a big fan of turbulence).

Goodbye to Goa......
Sadly, we are staying in our final hotel, the appropriately named Lemon Tree hotel. It is a hotel near the airport meaning we don't have to face the Delhi traffic in the morning, which can be unpredictable at best, and I say it is appropriately named as all the halls smell of lemons. It has a sister hotel which is adjoined, and I wondered if they followed the same ethos by scenting the halls after the name of the hotel? If so, I am glad we are not staying at the Red Fox!!!

They sell themselves, don't they!? Who needs health warnings!

The room is very comfy and the bed is arguably the most comfortable we have slept on, but the facilities were more school canteen than restaurant, and the service is non-existent, although I wonder if that is partially down to my expectations being raised by the amazing service at the Lake Palace. Therefore, we decided to order room service and dine in, after a couple of failed attempts to eat downstairs. I have to say the food was surprisingly good quality, showing that you can't judge a book by its cover, so we were washed and fed and all that remains is to get a good nights sleep in and prepare for our journey tomorrow (or today).

Our last drink in India, appropriate that it was a Kingfisher!
So, here ends our honeymoon. It has been a lovely journey with my wife and we haven't throttled each other yet (although we came close earlier over the mini chocolate chip cookies!!) so I am taking that as a positive sign! Tomorrow I will summarise my experience of India, after a good nights sleep in me and that will formally end another adventure. I will add some pictures to this post in due course, As all my photos are on a memory card, and I am keeping Sarah (or trying to) entertained by letting her use the laptop to watch her favourite shows - that is true love, right there!!

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