Saturday 13 October 2007

The final day in Asia

Today has been a rather sedate day to be honest, I have spoken to Malaysian airlines and sorted out the fact that I will not be joining them on the Langkawi to Kuala Lumpur leg of the journey, and will just get on the plane heading towards Heathrow. They accepted this and I only have to pay a nominal charge for airport departure tax.

Also, I did pop in to KLCC (the big shopping centre place in Kuala Lumpur) because I wanted to visit the aquarium, having missed it by minutes the last time I was here. It was not too bad, but it seemed very similar to the one in Singapore.

The whole city is very busy at the moment, as it is the start of 3 days public holidays in Malaysia, for a festival marking the end of Ramadan (called Hari Raya Puasa). It meant that an awful lot of shops were closed, as lots of people take this time off to be with their families and, of those shops that were open, they were packed with Malaysians looking to celebrate the end of Ramadan buy spending their ringgits!

I would not be very British if i did not mention the weather in my communique. Once again, the day started out very pleasantly, beaming sunshine and the like, but by the afternoon black clouds descended and we were treated to another epic thunderstorm (some of the cracks of thunder were so loud they shook my room windows!) It has all died down again now, although i can see lightning in the distance.

Anyway, I need to be up bright and breezy for my flight back to the UK, as the airport is a good 40 minutes away and i need to fill in some paperwork at the check in desk tomorrow (due to me not coming from Langkawi). so i need to be at KLIA by about 10am (or 3am BST).

I am not overly looking forward to the flight back, as 13 hours on plane is never going to be a bundle of laughs, but it is a necessary evil that has to be endured if i am to see lovely places like this. I am already thinking of where to go on my next adventure :D

OK, for the final time I will bid you all goodnight from Malaysia - I would bring the sunshine home with me if I could, but I am already in danger of exceeding my baggage allowance!!


Pamela said...

God mum will be ever so glad once you return home safe and sound. You have no idea how worried she has been but on another note simply and utterly thrilled at the experiences you have encountered during your trip.

I must have her for dinner on a regular basis now, she has got so used to been waited on hand and foot while reading your blog.

I must say Damian we won't know what to do next week the highlight of our evenings shall be gone now that you are closing your blog. Even Paul has been envious, temples etc... are also a very interesting hobby of his, but the nearest he'll ever get to see them is from yourself or tv.

Thanks a million for keeping us entertained, good luck, god bless and safe journey home. Hope to see you soon.


Unknown said...

It will always be worrying when someone is half way round the world on their own, but with the joy of todays technology we can communicate in an instance.

Luckily as Damian took his laptop with him we were able to chat on msn and webcam pretty much everyday (before he went to bed, our afternoon time) and as well as reading his blog, it always meant that at the end of the day I knew he had got back to his hotel and was safe.

I too would have been worried if he was away for 2 weeks with no communications. What would we do without the internet hey! It's fantastic :D

Well by now you will be half way home! I hope the turbulance over the Bay of Bengal wasn't as rough as I had it on my return! I am so looking forward to seeing you tonight and will be thinking about you all day!

Kat said...

Your adventures have been fab to follow! : ) I too am looking forward to reading about your next adventure! ;)

See you soon and safe journey home (You will be in England now and driving back with Sam.... so I am sure you'll be fine! ;) )


Unknown said...

We're back too, a few hours ahead of you I think!
The return flight was much calmer than the endless turbulence of the one out (seems so long ago now), so I got loads of sleep this time.

Looking forwards to seeing you and your gazillions of pictures. Are you going to transfer them all to projector slides and spend 24 hours loading the carousel?!

Unknown said...

Just to let people know (as Damian is probably in the land of zzzz's now, all snuggled up in his bed) that he has been collected and safely returned home and he is all in one piece!

It was lovely to see him, he is knackered poor little bun!