Thursday 4 September 2008

The 2008 tour...taking shape

After ages pontificating and generally pissing around, i have finally managed to pull my finger out and sort out my latest worldwide adventure.

For the last tour, i decided to tour a bit of South-East Asia, which co-incided with my friend's wedding in Langkawi.

This tour is less defined, it is a tour of ancient civilisations (loosely described) incorporating a nice leisurely 7 night cruise along the Nile to take in the Egyptian temples around Luxor (Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens), Karnak, Aswan Dam, Kitchener Island et al. Then i fly up to Cairo for a couple of day and visit the Pyramids (i suppose you really have to do this while in Cairo) the famous bazaars, and the Cairo Museum to see Tutankhamen's death mask (plus some other selected rocks which were not deemed worthy enough for the English to plunder and stick in the British museum (OK, this is a bit facetious, as apparently the Cairo museum is mightily impressive with Egyptian exhibits).

After that it all becomes a bit sketchy - i have a sort of idea that i should cross into Jordan and see Petra, plus the Wadi Rum. Not sure how easy this is to do. Then there is an idea to pop into Crete and see the Minoan remains in Knossos before hopping on a boat and getting into Greece to see the Acropolis and argue with the locals that the Elgin marbles really are better placed in the British museum :D

None of this is defined though, and i wonder how difficult it will be to do.

Alternatively, there is another plan to venture deeper into Africa and catch a safari in Botswana/Tanzania (i need to dust down my safari suit once more). If i did this i would also like to see the Victoria falls, and potentially go on a gorilla trek. However, these options are looking less likely, as arranging things on the hoof, which was easy to do in Asia, appears to be much, much harder in Africa.

Still, i am looking to head out around the 20th of September, with an aim of returning to this Sceptred Isle around the 11th of October. Just need to have the flights confirmed with the travel agent (am waiting for them to phone back as i write this).

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