Friday 19 September 2008

24 Hours from Cairo

OK, this time tomorrow i should be landing in Cairo - I have done all my packing, but i have just realised a small snag.....i can't find my passport!! - i am suspecting this might be a bit of a problem come check in time tomorrow.....:S

That aside, i am pretty much sorted: i have my re-hydration tablets for the inevitable bout of "Nile Belly" i will receive (don't worry, i promise my blog will not be a daily update of my bowel movements, unless you ask!), i have sun cream factor 8 billion, so no pesky UV rays are touching my delicate skin - although it does defeat the object of going to a sunny country only to plaster yourself head-to-toe in cottage cheese :-S . Still, i will fit right in in the mummy section of the Cairo museum.

I admit i am not looking forward to the flight again, but i can console myself with the fact that it is only a third of the time it took to get to Malaysia.

Ok, i need to get looking for this passport, otherwise this blog will be shorter than Warwick Davis. Next time i post i will be in Egypt (i hope)

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