Wednesday 26 September 2007

Here comes the bride.....

Less than 24 hours to go until the wedding and here i am in an internet cafe pretending to search for more best man speech material for the wedding but, in reality, i am updating my blog. Nothing like leaving things to the last minute in order to get the old adrenaline pumping!!

It has been a bit more sedate day today, although it was a little bit embarrassing when i woke up this morning at 8:55am to the dawning realisation that i was supposed to be at the wedding rehearsal at 9:00am. I have never got dressed so quickly in my entire life and was pootling down the road in my hire car like nobody's business. Only being 10 minutes late was pretty good going considering, but it was still a bit awkward to see the bride and father of the bride sitting down waiting for me to arrive!!

After the rehersal, we all had a big pool party which would have put the Wedding at Cana to shame - I have never seen so much food in my life!! The curries in Malaysia are absolutely lovely, and as an added bonus, the apartment complex the pool party was held in has a set of coconut trees, so a couple of the residents kindly cut down some coconuts and we drank the water from them. This beats anything that you can buy in Tesco (although that is not saying much!).

After that, we visited a night market with some friends from the UK to sample the delights of shopping on a market at 10pm. This was a little bit disappointing as the goods on offer could well have been on sale in St Neots, the only difference being that these are a fraction of the price.

The bad news is that the night before the wedding, our hire car has broken down and is currently sitting on some street near the night market. For interest the car is a Proton, which, i am reliably informed, is a Malaysian make of car - everyone here drives one, or more precisely, everyone that can't afford a proper, working car drives one. Still after a few phone calls, i think this should be sorted out tomorrow.

OK I really need to get writing that speech.....and put those asbestos trousers on!! Tune in next time to the next exciting installment of "Mouseburger (on tour)"


Anonymous said...

Damo once you have delivered your best mans speech can you please deal with the item below...

I've attached the Annual Priorities page from the Ops Exec report for your completion with this month's update. Can Data providers please complete and agree the content with the Priority Owner, then forward it to the Performance Mailbox by Wednesday 3rd October 2007.

Many thanks
Gary Lisseman

Kat said...

Good luck with the speech (I am sure you'll end up with something fantastic!) and many congratulations to Adam and Cherry! : )

Kat xxx

Unknown said...

Night market a "little bit disappointing" how can a market that sells ladies sandals for about 1.20 (pounds, this Malaysian PC doesn't have pound signs) hehe!! Any female will think that is blooming marvellous!! ;-) It just so happens to be on again on Saturday night before we leave on Sunday morning. So guess who will be using up her Malaysian Ringgets and purchasing said shoes :D

Unknown said...

oh and I forgot to say his "best man's speech" was excellent!! The poor lad's hands were shaking like mad as the speech went along, but he had tons of support from everybody there and he did a great job!