Sunday 23 September 2007

Langkawi Nights

Well, after approximatly 20 hours of travelling, we arrived in Langkawi late last night. I have to confess being absolutely shattered, and was alseep before my head hit the pillow. The flight over was not too bad, although it got a little bit bumpy around the bay of Bengal area, which meant we had some pretty scary turbulence for 3 hours.

The contrast between life in Malaysia and life is England is stark; Heathrow airport was packed, with people cattle herded into queues. Kuala Lumpur airport, which is a major hub for all of Asia was almost empty, so much so that i was worried i was in the wrong place for my connecting flight. However, one thing that was reassuring to see was the first symbol i saw getting of the plane at KLIA (that is Kuala Lumpur International Airport for us jet setting types) was for Burger King!!

As we came into Langkawi, there was a spectacular vista on the horizon of an epic lightning storm, which i would have enjoyed a whole lot more had it not been for the fact that i knew that was in the general direction of where we were heading! The first thing I noticed about Langkawi was the heat. It was 9pm, and yet the moment i stepped out the plane it felt like i was being blasted by a thousand hairdryers.

The whole temperature over here is markedly different to anything i have experienced in the UK. As an example, today is supposedly cloudy, but all that does is retain the heat on the island, so it is actually even hotter than quoted (it is high 30s). I am drinking plenty of liquids though, and most of those are non-alcoholic too so i should not suffer dehydration. I am hoping i might even get a tan!

OK, that is all for now.....i need to go and write that best man speech......;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow you should see the size of the ants!!! not looking forward to the other local wildlife ;-0 We saw a monkey sat on the roadside also!

Just thought I would put my female twopenny worth in ;-)