Friday 12 October 2007

Kuala Down Pour

Only a short post today, as I have done very little, apart from flying out of Cambodia this morning and arriving back in Kuala Lumpur. I decided to hire Mr Son for one final trip and i gave him an extra $10 which he was over the moon with, as he really has been very helpful these past few days. He even brought me to a small school where they are training up unemployed Cambodians to learn the art of stone masonry and wood carving, which was very interesting.

Overall, the flight was not too bad. Flying out of Siem Reap is quite impressive, as you get to see all of the temples on your ascent. As we got to Malaysia, it was a bit choppy on the descent, but I was glad I was not coming in any later, as when we were driving back in to the city centre, we were immersed in the mother of all thunderstorms, with lightning flashing all around us. I couldn't even count to one to gauge the distance of the lightning strikes, they were that near. It was very impressive, but i would not have been a happy camper if we had to land in those conditions!

Still, I made it to my hotel safely and i am now sitting on the 19th floor of the Hilton, looking out on the city. Tomorrow i will probably head in to town for some last minute browsing before I finally leave South-East Asia and head for cooler climes (i am assuming it is cold and raining back there?!)

There is a part of me that is sad to leave, but there is a part of me that is glad to return to proper food (i.e. Macdonalds, Burger King, KFC et al.). Also, while staying in a hotel is nice for a short time, I do miss my own bed. Plus, I miss Sam too. 2 weeks is the longest we have gone without seeing each other since we started going out, and it feels strange not to share these things with her (apart from through the blog). I think i am the last of the wedding party to return home, as the bride and groom are flying back in the early hours of Saturday.

Tomorrow will be the penultimate post of the tour, i will post one final entry once i have returned to Blighty, officially ending the blog (until next time i go a wandering).

Oh yes, i need to let Malaysian airlines know that I am not going to be catching the Langkawi flight.....


Irene said...

wondered how long it would be before you mentioned the 'mcdonalds' word.... having withdrawals are we?

Unknown said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww now that bought a tear to my eye seeing that in writing! I wondered why you were so eager for me to read the blog today!

LOVE YOU LOADS and I am sooooooo looking forward to picking you up from Heathrow on Sunday! I think you may get the biggest squeeze you have ever had and a shoulder full of happy tears :D

Have a fun last day tomorrow and I will look forward to reading your final blog entries xxxx

Unknown said...

I found out tonight that the bride and groom will get back to the UK on Sunday morning - so you will be just behind them!

Also I was just watching an animal programme and I think I have found out what was making that huge noise in the jungles of Langkawi and insect called a "Cicada" have a look at it on Wiki, some types can produce sounds louder than 106 dB (SPL) "at close range"!!!

Kat said...

Awwwwwwww Sam and Damian sitting in a tree... K I S S I N G!! ;)
