Friday 5 October 2007

Phnom Penh

Ok, i managed to do some late night booking and arranging and have made it to Phnom Penh (Cambodia). I have now entered the Malaria zone (plays twilight zone music) and now those pesky little critters gain a whole new level of respoect from yours truly. Yes i have started taking anti-malarials, and i will spray myself with mosquito repellent too, as i really don't want to get off of work that desperately that i contract malaria.

Anyway, my initial thoughts are, this is a big culture shock from Singapore where you could have anything you wanted, providing you had the money to pay for it. Conversely, here you could have all the tea in China and there would still be things that you could not buy. Admittedly, i have only seen Phnom Penh by night, and it was not that long ago that these people were brutalised by an oppressive regime (putting it mildly) so i suppose they are still recovering from that. Initial views of the people are they are very polite and manneredly, which is always a nice thing.

The traffic system over here is also a major contrast to Singapore, which was incredibly well organised. Over here, it is completely normal for cars to drive on the wrong side of the road, some dont even bother to use headlights. Traffic lights are occasionally adhered, to, but pretty much it is a free for all at junctions. Still saying that, i got to the hotel in relative safety.

Another little nuance of Cambodia is that the currency (Reils) is hardly used at all, primarily because it is worthless. Instead they operate in American dollars, so i have stocked up on greenbacks in order to pay my way.

Tomorrow i am going to visit Choeung Ek (killing fields), the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda. I should have some nice photos


Unknown said...

I am pleased you are there ok!

The good thing is you will be a lucky person to see the differences and realities of a few different places. Which I think is a great way to rationalise things and put the world into perspective.

There are chilled out places like Langkawi, Cities are cities I suppose - fast pace of life and always things going on, and then you will visit places like Cambodia that are a stark contrast.

Can't wait to see some more pictures from your exploring tomorrow! You will find it really interesting!

Anyway tonight I am commiserating with a take away from the Hong Kong! I have to quell this noodle craving somehow!! :D

Missing ya loads, and as much as I know you are enjoying yourself, I am glad it is only a week (ish) to go!


Pamela said...

Enjoying reading your wonderful travels, extremely interesting.Its great to be able to share your journeys with you. Are you sure your not related to royalty and havn't mentioned it to us.

The count down is on now damian mam is eagerly counting down the days but so thrilled you are having such a marvellous trip. Experience of a lifetime.

I suppose at this stage we won't get to see any photos of the wedding. So mam will just have to bring them back at the end of the month. We await in anticipation.

Your loyal and devoted fans from Cork

Mum Pam & Viv xoxo